Complexities of Higher-order Grids

“the biggest complexity is the very nature of the data”
SU2 pushes the envelope on Adaptation Sensors

“Time to start doing something about it!”
Sync Spacings? Why would I do that?

“higher quality surface meshes lead to higher quality volume meshes”
Create Sources to Adapt the Grid

“improve resolution of flow without excessive increase in effort”
TecIO for Parallel File Export

“64-bit indexing which allows individual zones to exceed two billion nodes”
Adaptation with Pointwise and CFX

“mesh adaptation method that maintains adherence to geometry”
Step # 6: Adaptation Sensors

“selection of the adaptation function is critical”
Radial and Other Slices

“One way of understanding volumetric data is to take a slice out of it”
Interactively debug Python/Glyph scripts

“set breakpoints and display the contents of variables”
Step # 5: Track and Review the Solution

“the L-2 norm of the residual in the entire domain”