Mesh-Link files: Pointwise for on-body adaptation

[T]he CFD solver requires access to the geometry model
Adapting Grids with any solver: Step #1

“grid cells are tagged for refinement, using a user-supplied criterion”
Parallel SZL: a case study

“The partitioned I/O capability was particularly useful”
Grid Adaptation with Pointwise and OpenFoam

“[A]ny other result which could be post-processed can be a refinement metric”.
Integrating diverse CFD tools

“[A] lot of acceptance within the scientific community”
SU2 and Parallel TecIO

Writing SZL files in parallel while running on a HPC system
Revisiting Output-Based Mesh Adaptation

Some errors are more important to different engineering metrics than others
GeomToMesh: reduce repetitive and tedious tasks

Side-effect: a more consistent application of best practices
Extract boundary layer values with Tecplot

PyTecplot vs. Macros: efficiency, efficiency, efficiency
Learning the how of Thonny

“Learning to program is hard.”