The FieldView Postprocessor is the visualization and analysis tool of choice by engineers wanting to make better decisions quickly and with confidence. Our customers know they must deliver accurate results within ever tighter design cycles. CFD Engineers choose FieldView because it enables them to understand, communicate and automate their work.
Work gets shared between FieldView processes based on blocks of cells (called “grids” in FieldView) as defined in your mesh file. The Auto Partitioner does a partition on the fly in real time and is currently available for structured grids through the PLOT3D and OVERFLOW readers – and will be active for users with FieldView Parallel 32 license types and above.
FieldView’s Material Rendering lets you add realistic colors, transparency and reflections and do it with simple move-draw graphics. You don’t need to “apply” and wait for an update! Advanced lighting controls can be the thing that saves you from producing a plot that looks like a drawing out of MS Paint.
FieldView’s client-server architecture allows you to access data wherever it is best stored, but without losing the smooth interface experience of a local application. If you are routinely running large CFD jobs on an HPC resource and cannot afford to download the data every time, but you prefer to do your post-processing on a local machine, FieldView can make that process supremely smooth.
If you’re a FieldView user in India who hasn’t heard from us yet, do drop us a line.
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