Load Custom File-formats
“general, portable, and extensible standard”
FSI coupling with Python
“deformable structure in a flow field”
Trouble-shooting higher order grids
“Bug: an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection”
Automating viewing angles
“help me understand how these angles are defined”
What did we do before CFD?
“we would have saved a lot of money”
Meshgen: grid generation for Tecplot
“a Tecplot add-on … to create multi-zone two-dimensional meshes”
Controlling higher order grid creation in Pointwise
“The value of the Jacobian depends on the configuration of the element nodes”
A look backwards
“[N]ow that we know the thing can fly …”
Iso-surface Algorithms for Higher Order Cells
“Big cells beget little cells // That model their complexity”
Higher Order Grids with Pointwise
“… superior mesh convergence properties …”