Automatic Distribution Function
“[A]ttempts to create a size field from which to determine the distribution”
S2V and V2S
“[O]ur users will love these meshes”
Visualizing higher-order
“[J]ust heed the advice of Douglas Adams and “DON’T PANIC!”
LES and Higher Order
“This potential has been conclusively demonstrated …”
Gauss Points
“Carl Friedrich Gauss was the first to …”
Geometric Regions with Tecplot
“generate cones, spheres, planes, and prisms using this method”
FlashPoint in action
“a very short turnaround design process using automated surface meshing tools”
Surface Continuity
“What do these numbers mean exactly?”
Tecplot + FieldView
“effectively turning these erstwhile enemies into siblings”
FlashPoint: Volume Meshing
“Like its predecessor …”