SmartUQ is a modern AI and Uncertainty Quantification tool optimized for engineering applications including simulation, digital twins, testing, and manufacturing.
With industry-leading model accuracy and user-friendly GUIs and APIs, it’s possible to handle the toughest challenges and easily solve everyday problems.
SmartUQ's accurate emulators are analytical models that can predict the behavior of complex black-box computational and physical systems. They can handle categorical and continuous inputs, systems with multiple and functional outputs, high dimensional systems, and big data. They enable extremely fast uncertainty propagation, sensitivity analysis, design space exploration, statistical optimization, statistical calibration, and inverse analysis. No more expensive Monte Carlo sampling and no more waiting hours for analytics calculations.
Propagation of uncertainty lets users predict the probability distributions of system outputs resulting from distributions of uncertain or variable system inputs. Almost all systems have some input uncertainty usually from inputs like physical measurements, manufactured dimensions, material properties, environmental condition, and applied forces. Propagation of uncertainty helps engineers determine whether the system outputs will meet requirements, what the extreme probabilities really are, and which inputs have the most effect on the output distributions. All this means better initial designs, faster development, and simplified trouble shooting.
Inverse analysis is the process of determining the probability distribution of an input resulting in a set of outputs from a system. This process is broadly useful for determining all kinds of hard-to-measure system properties. A good example is the determination of soil properties given a model of ground-vehicle interaction and vehicle telemetry data. Inverse analysis only requires a model of the system and a test data set for which the input distribution is to be determined. This allows you to take advantage of existing or easily obtainable data rather than resorting to expensive testing or invasive/destructive measurement techniques.
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