Triangulation to visualize “unorganized” data

“By customer request, triangulation is again available”
Automate import of PCDs, Grids-with-BCs

“Python coders: wish no more!”
Sample Problem: the Backward Facing Step

“an important branch of fundamental fluid mechanics”
Velocity Profiles

“a standard parabolic velocity profile is prescribed”
Point Clouds for Mesh Refinement

PCD format files can include target spacing for each point
Install and test the Python Server: Step #3

“the glue that’s essential for automation”

“a little piece of software that monitors our filesystem looking for any changes”
The Size Field

“a visual representation of the target cell edge lengths”
Parallel PyTecplot

Multiprocessing is a process-based Python ‘threading’ interface.
Install and test SU2: Step #2

sys.stdout.write(“\nStarting mesh adaptation process.\n”)