Case Study on Multi-zone Mesh-generation
“… complex geometry and physics of the problem …”
No-slip Streamtraces
“the fluid is essentially “stuck” to the wall”
Proximity-based Refinement
“… two grid entities in close proximity to one another …”
Multi-zone models and SU2
“every multi-physics problem is also a multi-zone problem”
Extract blanked zones
“a sub-zone which represents the volume”
Transcript Files
“No more working for an hour then losing everything because …”
SU2 and optimization: dealing with deformed meshes
“Large mesh deformation may result in low mesh quality”
Use PyQT in your Python scripts
“runs on all platforms”
Environment Files
“accelerate the meshing process for future projects”
Solver-specific metric-checks
“[T]wo extremely similar meshes yielded vastly different results”