“a new unstructured domain derived from a pre-selected quad-dominant domain”
Shrink Wrappping
“a way to gut your assembly of information you don’t need”
Upcoming Discussion on Higher Order Grids
“about an hour with plenty of time for Q&A”
Unstructured Hexahedra
“While not all techniques have been successful …”
Precision & Quality of CAD models
“There are many modeling operations that could not succeed without tolerant edges”
Extracting Variables
“[W]hy is it so hard to get access to the data we need?”
Voxel Attributes
[T]he use of tetrahedra degrades the accuracy of classical numerical methods”
Managing Model Tolerances
“more consistent and reliable than CATIA V5’s own CATIA V4 translator”
Surrogate Modeling Toolboxes
“Designed to make it easy for developers”
Voxel Grids
“An efficient meshing technique that should benefit flow solvers”