"Anyone can write a CFD solver before lunchtime, but to write a good mesh generator takes a lifetime"

Pointwise is the choice for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) meshing, covering all aspects of preprocessing from geometry model import to flow solver export. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac, you can generate structured, overset, unstructured, high-order and hybrid meshes including the anisotropic tetrahedral extrusion technique (T-Rex) for highly-automated generation of boundary layer resolving hybrid meshes.

We provide Glyph scripts and Sample models for support or training.

The choice for CFD Meshing


Geometry modeling is the solid foundation upon which your mesh is built. With Pointwise, the geometry model from your design software can be imported accurately, made meshable, and robustly and reliably meshed.


Pointwise's scripting language, Glyph, covers the entire range of functionality in the user interface. This allows you to capture the unique manner in which you generate meshes and make it part of your organization's intellectual property.


Pointwise supports neutral, native, and de facto standard interfaces to CFD solvers and other popular CFD formats to ensure a seamless fit with your CFD process.

Solutions With Pointwise

If you’re a Pointwise user in India who hasn’t heard from us yet, do drop us a line.


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KFour Metrics offers technology solutions for engineering design, simulation and optimization.




+91 93900 04190​


Avanti, Road No.12, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad 500 034, India.


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