Transcript Files

“No more working for an hour then losing everything because …”
SU2 and optimization: dealing with deformed meshes

“Large mesh deformation may result in low mesh quality”
Use PyQT in your Python scripts

“runs on all platforms”
Environment Files

“accelerate the meshing process for future projects”
Solver-specific metric-checks

“[T]wo extremely similar meshes yielded vastly different results”
An SU2 developer’s grid-requirements

“We know embarrassingly little about how the mesh affects the CFD solution”
How to create histograms using Tecplot

“[O]ne of the seven basic tools of quality control”
WCNs and higher-order grids

“condition number is used in Pointwise for smoothing”
Polyhedra as duals of a tetrahedral mesh

“popularity sits right between canonical cell type meshes and Cartesian variants”
A Primer on Higher-Order Elements

“the ability to use a coarser grid to get the same level of accuracy”